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White Haze Auto - White Label
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  • White Haze Auto - White Label

White Haze Auto - White Label

Tax included

Hybrid Sativa /

Short flowering period

Average height

Average yield

Sunny / Mediterranean

no: 1


The White Haze Autoflowering White Label is the variety Haze for everyone: cheap, easy to grow and ready for harvesting in a short time. It is a hybrid with 50% sativa genes and 50% genes indicate.

Coltivation of White Haze Autoflowering White Label

The varieties Haze are notoriously difficult to cultivate. Logical, actually, if you think they come from tropical countries like Thailand and Mexico. Being sativas as well, they grew up to exceed 3 meters in height and had a long flowering phase. The intersection with the indications reduced the height increase, and at the same time increased the performance. They are now suitable for climatic zones outside the tropics, so to speak.

Cannabis seeds White Haze Autoflowering White Label marks the current highlight of this development. These seeds will also give growers without green thumb robust cannabis plants reaching a maximum height of 140 cm, and which can be harvested from 12 to 16 weeks after sowing. Just three months for the entire life cycle? Yes! Thanks to the manufacturers Sensi Seeds who coupled a White Haze with a CannaGreat Ruderalis.

The result is a hybrid composed by half of sativa genes and by half indicates. After a short phase of vegetation, these plants automatically pass to the flowering phase. In other words, growers do not need to adjust the lighting period. Here is another advantage of this variety: dealing with feminized seeds, there is no need to eradicate male sprouts at the beginning of flowering. Why complicate things when they are so simple?

Effect, taste and smell of White Haze Autoflowering White Label

The plants exude their captivating, pungent and sweet scent towards the end of the flowering period. The tops should be sticky at this stage. This is due to the white glands (tricomi) from which this variety takes its name. They can be collected with a dry sieve and then pressed to make hashish.

If smoked like weed, White Haze White Label autoflowering also offers the characteristic euphoric effect of varieties Haze. The laughs are also on the agenda. Thanks to the indica gene, the building effect is followed by a feeling of physical relaxation.

The taste is dominated by terrosis pine tones that, depending on the phenotype, can be accompanied by citrus notes.