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The Ultimate Femminiz. - Dutch Passion
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  • The Ultimate Femminiz. - Dutch Passion

The Ultimate Femminiz. - Dutch Passion

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The Ultimate is a balanced hybrid with super abundant productivity.

Quantity seeds in the package: 1


The Ultimate has a strong and pungent aroma. During the flowering it changes several times and towards the end it has a spicy and pungent scent of pine, gasoline and citrus. The aroma can sometimes be slightly more fruity and sweet, but only happens with a few phenotypes. During the last 4 weeks the smell becomes definitely strong, so we recommend using good carbon filters. The dried flowers can sometimes smell a bit more terrified and spicy, but as soon as you break them or grind them, the most fruity and piney aroma will come out. The taste is comparable to the smell; spicy, fruity and rather skunk with sweeter occasional notes.

It is one of the highest yield cannabis strains ever created. It is a balanced variety 50% Indica / 50% Sativa with an excellent reputation for easy and large crops. It is preferred by customers thanks to extremely high yield and robust growth. The flowers are known to be long and thick. This variety produces such massive flowers that can easily become thick as a forearm. The leaves are of a beautiful dark green and the flowers are of a lighter green, full of foxtail and orange hair. The tops are really beautiful and rich in trichomes. The combination of these white and sticky flowers combined with bright orange hair will remind many growers the best old-school skunk varieties of the past.

During the flowering phase these plants have a medium-high elongation and during this period they will grow both in height and width. The Ultimate does not need too much attention and with the right light and perfect cultivation conditions becomes a beautiful cannabis plant completely full from the top down of long and robust flowers. The elongation lasts on average 3 weeks after setting the illumination for flowering at 12/12. The moment it stops stretching, here begins the development of blooms. At the same time the production of trichomes continues at a rapid pace.

During the last 4 weeks of the flowering phase, the production of the buds will pass to the next step and you will see the flowers inflate and become incredibly long and loaded. The buds become harsh and compact, this variety loves a lot of light during the flowering phase. It is better to support the tops with a network or with a support, so that they do not bend under their own weight. This hybrid 50 Indica and 50 Sativa is a really beautiful variety. It is the variety chosen by those looking for a balanced hybrid that has large flowers. Beyond its size, it is very tolerant to fertilizers and temperature changes, making this variety very suitable for beginners as well. However, it is necessary to maintain low humidity during flowering phase (

The genetics used for The Ultimate guarantee the following properties:

A powerful cannabis hybrid with moderate elongation during the flowering phase

XXL yield with extremely large buds that require support during the flowering phase

The flowers are powerful and have a pungent aroma of pine and lime combined with sweeter and terrose notes

The Ultimate is the ideal strain for those growers looking for maximum productivity.

The flowering time takes on average 9 weeks, with explosive development in the last 2 or 3. The Ultimate absorbs many nutrients during the growth cycle and is able to manage a high luminous intensity during the flowering phase, all for the benefit of the final yield. The Ultimate is a medium-sized plant that normally grows up to about 0.75cm/ 1m, and occasionally even a little more. It produces very thick flowers both on the side branches and on the main flowering.

The most experienced growers appreciate the exceptional growth power over the last weeks of flowering. This variety produces many white pistils until the end of the flowering phase. In the most favorable conditions, it needs about 9 weeks of indoor light set to 12/12 to mature completely. We advise you to collect it when trichomes become predominantly milky.