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Biddy Early Femminiz. - Serious Seeds
  • New
  • Biddy Early Femminiz. - Serious Seeds

Biddy Early Femminiz. - Serious Seeds

Tax included Estimated delivery times 15 days approximately

This variety is now already one of the best ever for the northern countries of Western Europe

Quantity Regular Seeds :
Product available for orders
Estimated delivery times 15 days approximately


Its relatively early finish time combined with excellent mould resistance makes it very suitable for outdoor crops in the Dutch and similar climates of the north. This very easy to grow plant is perfect for beginner and inexperienced growers and therefore our "Starter model" . We keep the price of this very low variety to give beginners and people with lower budgets the possibility to cultivate also a Serious quality variety.

Most plants will show red and purple colorations at low temperatures. The Biddy Early variety gives excellent results even indoors, but keeping the mother plants in a vegetative state is a bit difficult because of its will to start flowering.

The aroma of this plant is a mix of an unknown roasted perfume with a sweet taste of caramels that gives a surprisingly pleasant and powerful high. In 2003 Biddy Early won second place in the category “Best Sativa” at the High Times Cannabisbis Cup in Amsterdam. Biddy Early won this award as the only outdoor gem in this category, solemnly competing against indoor gems. This demonstrates the extraordinary quality of this variety. Some people even said it was the best cannabis they ever smoked.

Indoor flowering time:

7-8,5 weeks

Indoor production:

300-400 gr / m2

Outdoor harvest time:

mid September / early October

THC level:


CBD level:

