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ostanze Psicoattive. Vademecum per un uso consapevole
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  • ostanze Psicoattive. Vademecum per un uso consapevole

ostanze Psicoattive. Vademecum per un uso consapevole

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In 2017 a third of the Italian population between 15 and 64 years stated that they had used drugs at least once in their lives:1 out of 10 in the last year.The psychoactive, legal and illegal substances circulate and are widespread;


In 2017 a third of the Italian population between 15 and 64 years stated that they had used drugs at least once in their lives:1 out of 10 in the last year.The psychoactive, legal and illegal substances circulate and are widespread;if cannabis is the most used, cocaine consumption and other drugs commonly called "heavy" is equally widespread.The Neutravel Project operators, who have been constantly dealing with the prevention of risks and damages related to the use of substances for years, through scientific data, offer us in this book information about the substances most used in our country, providing data and information with the aim of informing about the risks related to their use and helping to make a conscious use.A book intended for those who want to inform themselves in person and prevent critical situations to those around them.Project Neutravel is committed to reducing damage and limiting risks in the contexts of night entertainment using an information area, a chill-out area and a first-aid health area.The project was born from a partnership between the public sector (Asl TO4) and private social (CNCA Piemonte - Cooperativa Alice).