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I cultivate.Diary of A Disobedience - Matteo Mainardi
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  • I cultivate.Diary of A Disobedience - Matteo Mainardi

I cultivate.Diary of A Disobedience - Matteo Mainardi

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I cultivate.Diary of A Disobedience - Matteo Mainardi

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Estimated delivery times 15 days approximately


If we look at the history of civil rights we can observe difficult paths, hindered by governments and parliaments that base their own logic of power on the consensus of niches capable of coagulated votes.Always observing this story, we also notice that the great achievements are never the result of a single action or a single person but are the result of personal efforts that, only when they succeed in making strength one another and to become a collective project, begin to outline a path of small goals that with time change history.In "I coltivo - diary of disobedience", the author addresses this path of personal and collective research for the liberation from the stigma of cannabis use for recreational use, telling what for 10 weeks happened in Italy and in the world on the front of cannabis with the campaign "I Coltivo", with 2,500 disobedient and the wall of information to be destroyed.Matteo Mainardi intertwines, week after week, his personal history and civil disobedience, with the growth of his plant in a sort of diary-manual that can help others to activate themselves firsthand and to exit the circuit of the black market through self-production.Prefaces by Riccardo Magi and Matteo Mantero.