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Drugs - Giorgio Samorini
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  • Drugs - Giorgio Samorini
  • Drugs - Giorgio Samorini

Drugs - Giorgio Samorini

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Giorgio Samorini (1957)


Herotoman cats, caffeine goats, mycophilic reindeers, blackbirds and crazy ants. Who would have imagined this? Yet studies of ethology are very clear: not only the most evolved animals, but even insects go looking for substances that can change their behavior. Thus, the ethnobotanic Giorgio Samorini, thought to gather in a book many of these cases of drugged animals: cows, elephants, cats, reindeer, goats, birds, flies, insects and others. That research on the use of narcotic substances should not focus on the issue of marginality or deviance, is an opinion that should gradually be collected by more proselytes. It is enough to remember that in the artistic field, it has always been used substances that expand the field of perceptions. However, there are also ethnic/cultural phenomena, linked to particular geographical areas; It is enough to think, for example, of the use of psychoactive substances by populations living on highlands to combat physical fatigue. And still the use of drugs as medicines, such as morphine as powerful analgesic or derivatives of Indian hemp, removed from pharmacopoeia, but able to carry out healing activities in various diseases.


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