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CannabisBi. I thought it was drugs - Flavio Passi
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  • CannabisBi. I thought it was drugs - Flavio Passi

CannabisBi. I thought it was drugs - Flavio Passi

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Already from the subtitle, which contains in three words all the absurdity of decades of condemnation and banning of Cannabisbis, one realizes that this is a small book “necessary”.


A plant that for thousands of years has been part of human life, but that for about ninety years has become the object of the attention of almost all the police forces of the world, an icon of evil in the collective imagination. A boy who meets that plant, and his products, when they are wrapped in that illicit aura that attracts and rejects, but that does not, always makes them reflect. Two stories that intertwine, because while the boy grows and grows his awareness, together he also develops curiosity about why those prohibitions, why that plant is banned from agriculture, industry, pharmacopoeia; places where he had lived for centuries. So the author, in parallel to his path that led him first to found a site with the goal of stimulating discussion towards policies of liberalization of the plant, and then to create and direct Dolce Vita, the most important Italian magazine in the field of “alternative lifestyles”, tells us the tormented story of the most controversial vegetal in the history of our civilization, looking for new questions and getting some meaningful answers. Two really amazing stories; that of Matteo who from the abandoned benches quickly of the University has invented successful entrepreneur in the field of communication, and that of Hemp who, with extreme fatigue but as much strength, is emerging from the limbo of illegality in many parts of the world and ultimately, at least in version "light", also in our country. A “green revolution” that has a solid cultural background, well beyond the so-called ludic use, narrated with sobriety and lightness by one of its protagonists.