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Oligo Spectrum - Aquatic Earth GHE
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  • Oligo Spectrum - Aquatic Earth GHE

Oligo Spectrum - Aquatic Earth GHE

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Oligo Spectrum by Aquatic land (microelements) is a biological tampon, with its mixture of micro-olygoelements completes the nourishment of the plant.


Oligo Spectrum by Aquatic land (microelements) is a biological swab, with its mixture of micro-oil elements completes the nourishment of the plant and allows to stabilize the pH and control the level of calcium. Suitable for each substrate with different dosages.

A Complete Combination of Micro E Sub-Micro Elements for Specific Applications.

Oligo Spectrum is a unique product: a complete range of micro-elements concentrated in chelated form, more essential sub-micro elements and a biological shock absorber. It is used as a complement to the nutrient solution in land or water cultivations, even as a foliar spray when the mineral application in water can cause problems like in Aquaponica.

While primary and secondary elements are always included in plant fertilizers, some micro and submicro elements are not, despite laboratory tests show an important general improvement in plant health and resistance to infestations when these elements are present. If you use fertilizer Aquatic land you are already providing for this complete spectrum, but if not, Oligo Spectrum offers you an efficient way to complete current nutrition.

All elements included in the Oligo Spectrum adhere to the European Regulation on organic agriculture, and as in other fertilizers, all possible elements are chelati, for superior stability and performance.

How to use the Olygo Spectrum:

Dilute for foliage use or add it to water or nutrient solution.

Do NOT use T.A. - already contain the complete spectrum of elements.

Solution: 5 ml/L in hydroponics, 3 ml/L on earth

Use Sheet: 5 ml/L