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NPK - Bio Nova
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  • NPK - Bio Nova

NPK - Bio Nova

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BIONOVA also offers a three-component combination of N-P-K in the ideal proportions of 12-8-11.

Capacity: 250 ml


BIONOVA also offers a full three-component combination of N-P-K in the ideal proportions of 12-8-11. This proportion of elements is highly recommended for both hydroponic and ground crops, and offers an ideal combination with other mineral fertilizers and trace micro-elements.

This product contains 12% N (nitrogen), of which 1% NO3 and 11% NH2. Moreover the product contains 8% of P2O5 (phosphorus); 11% of K2O (potassium); MgO (Magnesio) and some trace micro-elements such as iron, boron, manganese, molybdenum and copper.

Dosage: Depending on the combination used, the dose should be 100-300 ml per 100 liters of water.
