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Mokum’s Tulip Female - Dutch Passion
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  • Mokum’s Tulip Female - Dutch Passion
  • Mokum’s Tulip Female - Dutch Passion
  • Mokum’s Tulip Female - Dutch Passion

Mokum’s Tulip Female - Dutch Passion

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Mokum’s Tulip is a unique terpenic strain, a pungent aroma and a great explosion of flavors!

Quantity seeds in the package: 1


It is a variety for those who love the best cannabis genetics in the world. In addition to the unique scent and taste, the Mokum's Tulip can show beautiful colors on both the leaves and buds during flowering.

Mokum's Tulip managed to win several cup cannabis in a short time since it was launched on the market. This unique variety ensures you a sweet and tasty finish.

1st Clouds in the City Cup 2019 Prize in the Indica category.

2nd prize Farallones Medical Cannabisbis Cup 2019.

2nd Dutch Flowers Cup 2020 Prize in Hybrid category.

Mokum's Tulip has a sweet, fruity and creamy character, honoring Gelato genetics

The Mokum’s Tulip is a typical Gelato hybrid. Its aroma is pungent, it is better described as very sweet, creamy and fruity. This explosion of aromas and flavors comes from a unique terpenic profile that makes flowers incredibly fragrant and with the same flavor of ice cream. Whether it's the berries or grapefruit and orange. There's nothing for everyone. Who loves a true variety Ice cream will definitely appreciate our Mokum's Tulip. This variety has exactly the same flavor of its perfume, really very tasty!

This fantastic genetics grows fast and blooms quickly. In general this plant develops robust and thick branches, which make it extremely suitable for cultivation with SOG technique or to grow naturally. Compact and abundant inflorescences are well supported by these thick branches. In the right conditions you can find phenotypes that are ready in a maximum of 7-8 weeks. But in general we recommend a flowering time of 56-63 days.

Mokum’s Tulip is a world-class feminized hybrid. The strong cultivation model is combined with the solid and robust structure of the plant to ensure that its compact flowers can develop quickly and well. And he does it in just eight weeks! Most plants show a hybrid character in terms of plant structure and flowering with a slightly Indica dominance. It is compact, with broad leaves, thick branches and round flowers.

We recommend not to defoliate it too much and certainly not to bend it or break it. Its strong branches can make it more difficult to use cultivation techniques such as LST (Low Stress Training) or HST (High Stress Training). In general we strongly recommend the "Supercropping", only the most experienced growers should have the courage to try it. Thanks to its vigorous stature it is easy to cultivate and it is not necessary that a beginner cultivator who knows what technique of advanced cultivation to be able to cultivate this variety.

During the flowering phase, the plants show an average stretch for a hybrid. The distance between the internodes is considered short/average. The pistils develop quickly as soon as the lights are set to 12/12, making them begin flowering. Its flowers tend to be beautiful, round and very compact. The plants that have a slightly greater and more lasting flowering show buds that have slightly more characteristics Sativa and a very favorable flower-foil ratio. In general, all phenotypes can be cut easily and quickly. Be sure to wear gloves when you cut them, because they are full of resin and really incredibly sticky!

The genetics used for Mokum’s Tulip guarantee the following properties:

A medium-sized plant with robust stems and compact buds.

A wonderfully fruity and sweet aroma and taste typically Gelato.

Beautiful flowers with a very high THC content and a rich terpenic profile.

Mokum’s Tulip is the perfect variety for connoisseurs. She smells and knows about ice cream!

Mokum’s Tulip has a fast flowering, the average time of its flowering is about 8 weeks. Of course can differ from one phenotype to another. You will find faster phenotypes and others that take 1 week longer. Observe the tricomas with a fine blooming microscope to ensure that they are fully ripe and have the right ratio of lattiginous, peat and amber trichomes.

This variety grows approximately for 2 and a half weeks during the flowering phase with a greater stretch during the first and second cycle week at 12/12. The pistils begin to appear from the second week of flowering. After about 4 weeks the plants are filled with white and round buds and from this moment forward the plants will focus mainly on the development of the flowers.


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