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Bio Heaven - Bio Bizz
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  • Bio Heaven - Bio Bizz

Bio Heaven - Bio Bizz

Tax included Estimated delivery times 15 days approximately

Bio Bizz Bio Heaven is an energy booster for the plant Cannabisindustrial bis characterized by a special formulation based on stimulated natural selections with care.

Capacity: 250 ml
Product available for orders
Estimated delivery times 15 days approximately


The amino acids contained in Bio Heaven are essential for the structure and metabolism of plants.

This product gives excellent results because it increases the capacity of absorption of nutrients by the industrial Cannabisplant, strengthens the antioxidant system and helps the elimination of toxins. The benefits of Bio Heaven are well recognized:

- is highly concentrated

- promotes the rapid and complete absorption of nutrients

- accelerates the chelation of essential nutrients;

- increases final yield in weight and quality;

- increases water retention in the plant;

- provides a significant amount of carbon for microorganisms in the soil.

Directions for use: Bio Heaven can be used from the second week of growth and stopped two weeks before harvest.

1 ml to 5 ml according to the table provided by Bio Bizz.


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