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Girl Scout Cookies Femminiz. - White Label
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  • Girl Scout Cookies Femminiz. - White Label

Girl Scout Cookies Femminiz. - White Label

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Female variation

Hybrid Sativa /

Average flowering period

Average height

Heavy duty

Temperato / Continental

no: 1


White Label Girl Scout Cookies mother plants are renowned for the poor need for care, production varieties and high THC levels. The variety preserves all these qualities, being a solid option for beginners. It is also an ideal choice for experienced growers who can make the most of its impressive potential.

Cultivation of Girl Scout Cookies by White Label

The feminized GSC cannabis seeds are 50% indica, 50% sativa. They produce uniform plants that bloom in nine to ten weeks. This variety has a good height increase during flowering, improving its performance without becoming uncontrollable.

The plants grown outside and in greenhouses can easily reach the height of 200 or 250 cm within the period of the October harvest. Inside, the branches can bloom at about 30-40 cm to reach a final height of 100 cm. The flowering of original seed plants at the same height can lead to plants that reach 125 cm at the time of harvest.

The feminized Girl Scout Cookies cannabis seeds of White Label develop becoming plants with strong and productive ramification. The branches tend to grow upwards rather than outwards, allowing plants grown inside to grow close enough.

The cultivation of the GSC of White Label shows strong influences of the indica and sativa genetic heritage. The goblets multiply rapidly and inflate, forming ropes that twist each other to create pointed floral groups. These continue to expand until the second half of the flowering, advancing along the stem and branches to fill the spaces between the internodes. Finally they form long and sticky coles with a magnificent lively appearance.

Thanks to her Afghan heritage, Girl Scout Cookies often takes purple in the last period of flowering. These are manifested in the dark purple leaves and in the lavender clots on the basis of the chalices. In the harvest period and after drying, the buds of this variety show a combination of purple and green leaves, bright orange pistils and bright white-dorate resin glands. It is a show that completes the power and taste of this plant.

Effect, taste and smell of White Label Girl Scout Cookies

After the harvest, the flowers of the Girl Scout Cookies of White Label remain particularly large, thanks to the fats from which they are formed. Even when it is dry, the often trichomeal coating of the GSC makes the buds sticky to the touch. Growers must be aware that they can easily ruin scissors and grinders with high THC content resin.

The aroma of this variety is discreet until the groups of flowers break, releasing their terpenes. The dominant flavors include pine, sandalwood and rich land, with a background of fruit, citrus, mint and anise.

The powerful Kush background and the highest CBD production of Girl Scout Cookies make it a popular strain in American pharmacies. Many consumers have reported beneficial effects, such as pain relief, appetite stimulus and nausea reduction. Consumers for recreational purposes appreciate the GSC both for the relaxing effect of the whole body, and for the stimulating and loquacious effect of the sativa component.