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Ed Rosenthal Super Bud Reg. 10 Seeds - Sensi Seeds
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  • Ed Rosenthal Super Bud Reg. 10 Seeds - Sensi Seeds

Ed Rosenthal Super Bud Reg. 10 Seeds - Sensi Seeds

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Regular variation

Hybrid Sativa /

Average flowering period

Average height

Resa XXL

Sunny / Mediterranean


The Ed Rosenthal Super Bud Regular stands out for the perfect balance between sativa genetics and indicates (a proportion of 50% each). The result is a plant that produces extremely large crops, with a fairly fast flowering time. The height of this variety can be kept compact inside, but it can reach 300 cm when it is left free outside. The perfume is that of a pure sativa: pineapple, spicy and sweet. The effect is at the same time calming and edifying, with a sense of euphoria.

Coltivation of Ed Rosenthal Super Bud Regular

Ed Rosenthal Super Bud Regular cannabis combines genetics from all over the world: Africa, Central America and South East Asia, just to name a few, and some of the sativa parental are top secret.

This is a regular variety. It means that seeds will produce both female and male plants, which is useful for those who want to generate their own batch of seeds for future crops. The regular variety is also the right choice for growers who want to experience intersection with other varieties.

The Ed Rosenthal Super Bud Regular has a relatively fast flowering time of 55 - 65 days. When cultivated inside, the plants are usually compact and reach on average a height of about 80-160 cm. Outdoors it is likely to grow much more; up to heights of about 250-300 cm.

Since the variety is 50% indica and 50% sativa, the appearance may vary from plant to plant. Some are of a more sativa nature, with more stems and large spiral glasses. Others have a more "indica" look, with thick central stems and numb hair at the ends of the tops. In any case, they are able to produce formidable yields. When growing inside, it is not rare to get about 500-600 grams per square meter. Outside, it is known that some plants have produced up to 1 kilo each.

The Ed Rosenthal Super Bud Regular develops best in Mediterranean climates, with abundant exposure to heat and sun. Alternatively, plants can be grown all year round, anywhere in the world. The variety responds well to both lollipopping and supercropping.

Effect, taste and smell of Ed Rosenthal Super Bud Regular

Ed Rosenthal Super Bud Regular is 50% sativa, 50% indica. This balance is reflected in the effect, which gives the classic body effect indicates, combined with the building and cheerful qualities of a sativa. Consumers often praise the unique blend of relaxation and mental attention that this variety offers.

The plants are characterized by an exotic aroma; a rough and fruity mix that reveals its sativa/indica heritage. The overall scent recalls pineapple, with other notes of citrus coming; and is strengthened as the buds reach the moment of harvest. The sweet note of pineapple is also evident in taste.