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Earn Jelly Femminiz. - White Label
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  • Earn Jelly Femminiz. - White Label

Earn Jelly Femminiz. - White Label

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Female variation

Hybrid Sativa /

Average flowering period

Average height

Heavy duty

Temperato / Continental

no: 1


The peaks of Guava Jelly are a pleasure to feel even before being consumed. The slender leaves are green, and the groups of flowers are lime color, thanks to the golden tricomi, clear and sparkling. The glasses are large and oval. Their long pistils begin yellower than white, then change color becoming dark pink when the buds mature.

Coltivation of the White Label Jelly Guava

White Label feminized Guava Jelly cannabis seeds are 50% indica, 50% sativa. They grow well in the greenhouse or outside with a Mediterranean climate, provided they have daily access to direct sunlight. The cultivation on the outside allows this hybrid to reach its full height, and greatly increases the performance.

The Guava Jelly is a strong and prosperous strain on the outside in favorable conditions. However, it may require the support of poles or a trellis, since its slender branches can be pushed down from the weight of the tops at the end of the summer.

The height of the Jelly Guava can be controlled inside making the plants bloom when they are still low. Since this triple variety in height in the flowering phase, the clones can be flowered from 20 to 30 cm to reach a final height below 100 cm. The tendency of the variety to produce branches that grow upwards rather than outwards makes it suitable for the Sea of Green method (SOG).

The original Guava Jelly seed plants often benefit from a longer period of vegetation. Their height and structure can be optimized for cultivation spaces within posing plants to create multiple tops. Supercropping or Screen of Green (ScrOG) methods are also effective.

The structure of the tops of the best phenotypes of Guava Jelly assumes the form of fat chalices, which explode in groups and grow one above the other in ropes. These ropes of chalices intertwine with each knot, forming large knots of tops with many tips growing in each direction. During the flowering period they expand to cover the internodal spaces, filling the stem and branches of the Jelly Guava before the harvest.

The density of the peaks is maximum in correspondence of the knots and bracts, while the voluminous glasses of the Jelly Guava almost fight to gain space. The ropes of the chalices run among the groups of flowers, joining them to form coles that have a fairly open structure, without being light or weight less than normal. Thanks to their thick covering of resin glands, even the individual rows of glasses become friable and sticky fragments of buds when dried.

Effect, taste and smell of White Label's Jelly Guava

The Jelly Guava tends to have a subtle smell during growth. The full and fruity composition of this variety is released only after harvesting, drying and breaking the buds. The guava is only one of the fruits in its terpenic profile. A strong inhalation also reveals berry notes from Strawberry Kush, anise and citrus from Durban, and a sweet and skunk scent from Wedding Cheesecake.

White Label's Jelly Guava produces a powerful relaxing effect from its indica and sativa background. Most consumers report a warm and positive body sensation at first, driven by Kush and Skunk genetic heritage. This effect is enhanced by the building, energy and electrifying effect of the sativa side of Guava Jelly’s. Many connoisseurs are so absorbed by the initial happy physical effect of the component indicates that they do not realize the power of the effect until they try to rise.