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Early Pearl Reg. 10 Seeds - Sensi Seeds
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  • Early Pearl Reg. 10 Seeds - Sensi Seeds

Early Pearl Reg. 10 Seeds - Sensi Seeds

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Regular variation


Short flowering period

High plant

Heavy duty

Fresco /Freddo


Early Pearl Regular is a sativa-dominated strain (75% with 25% indica). This means that you can expect a classic sativa effect: cheerful, light hecerebral. It is therefore a great option to use during the day. Early Pearl grows at impressive heights and produces formidable crops. If well maintained, outdoor plants can generate up to 2 kilos each! The growers can appreciate the characteristic aroma: fresh notes of sweet and pine citrus fruits, combined with incense and wood.

Regular Early Pearl Cultivation

Early Pearl Regular cannabis seeds are 75% sativa and 25% indica. It is the first sativa dominant strain to be developed specifically to thrive in shorter summers and in colder climates. Genetics add robustness and ease in care (while it increases performance), but the effect is pure sativa: vibrant, edifying and energizing.

The seeds are regular, that is to say they will produce female and male plants. Regular seeds are a good option for those who want to create their own seeds for further growth, or who want to experience intersection with other varieties.

It has a relatively short flowering time, from 50 to 70 days. To maximise the harvest, growers recommend planting seeds inside when the winter turns to an end, and then move them to a sunny place after the spring equinox. When growing outdoors, it is reasonable to predict impressive heights. In fact, it is not rare that plants reach about 200-400 cm! Inside, growth is limited to about 100-190 cm.

Like many sativa-dominated varieties, the Early Pearl Regular is tall and elegant, with extended branches and dark leaves. The tops tend to be dense, big and, if time is cooler, they can take on a violet color. Around the time of the collection will also develop a generous white and brilliant resin coating.

One of the reasons why the Early Pearl Regular remains popular among growers is its vast harvest. When growing inside, it is not rare to get about 500 grams per square meter. However, it is outdoors that yields reach the maximum. In the right conditions, growers can get up to 2 kg per plant.

It is a tough and durable strain and, consequently, it works well in colder climates with shorter summers. However plants need a lot of sunlight to achieve their full potential. Expert growers report a good success with lollipopping and supercropping techniques.

Effect, flavour and smell of Early Peral Regular

The Early Pearl Regular is 75% sativa and 25% indica, and the effect perfectly reflects this prevalence of the sativa. Consumers report an energetic and rapid effect, which makes them feel cheerful and raised. The effect is also quite durable, which makes the variety an attractive option for day use.

The plants produce a fresh and sour scent during growth, with notes of orange and pine. When the buds reach full maturity, the smell grows in strength, and takes on a hint of cut and incense wood. Citrus and pine can be detected both in taste.