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Double Gum Reg. 10 Semi - White Label
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  • Double Gum Reg. 10 Semi - White Label

Double Gum Reg. 10 Semi - White Label

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Regular variation


Short flowering period

Compact plant

High yield

Temperato / Continental


The Double Gum Regular of White Label is a hybrid indicates 80/20 surprisingly sweet, with a short flowering period and a large central cola. the physical effect is accompanied by a pinch of euphoria.

Coltivation of the Double Gum Regular of White Label

With 80% of genes indicates and only 20% sativa genes, it is simple to work in all conditions. The Double Gum Regular of White Label produces both male and female plants that grow rapidly and remain pleasantly compact. Old school growers still prefer regular seeds because they produce better mother plants for cloning.

The Double Gum Regular of White Label has a relatively short flowering time of about 50 days, with only a small height increase. It is predestined for cultivation inside. It is possible to obtain good results also in a greenhouse and outside (in a warm climate).

Typical of this cannabis strain is a large central cola surrounded by small lateral branches. Plants with abundant lateral branches are particularly suitable as mother plants because they produce a high yield. And they don't need much treatment. People who know cannabis cultivation can try using special cultivation methods. The Sea of Green (SOG), for example, is particularly suitable for this variety.

Effect, taste and smell of the Double Gum Regular of White Label

As is typical of the indica, this herb offers a classic body effect that causes a pleasant heaviness and a sense of deep satisfaction. Anyone who wants to relax on the couch after a hard day can't go wrong with this variety. In principle it is suitable as a medicinal variety, but it is not (yet) made a great name in this sense.

It is best known as a gourmet variety for people with a weak for dessert. Sweet flavors are derived from mother plants and are the result of targeted selection efforts. The Double Gum Regular of White Label has a particularly good taste in a bong or vaporizer.