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Double Banana Kush Femminiz. - White Label
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  • Double Banana Kush Femminiz. - White Label

Double Banana Kush Femminiz. - White Label

Tax included

Female variation


Average flowering period

Compact plant

Heavy duty

Temperato / Continental

no: 1


White Label has created feminized cannabis seeds Double Banana Kush by reincruciating the best of Banana Kush's phenotype f1 with her relative OG Kush. In this way the superb resin production and the content of cannabinoids has been strengthened. Meanwhile a fruity f2 Banana Kush hybrid was produced with the California Indica citrus fruited Sensi Seeds to get a hybrid with exceptional aroma, flavor and power. A special production program combined them to form a new stable variety, with all the desired qualities: the Double Banana Kush.

Cultivation of the Double Banana Kush Feminized

The Double Banana Kush Feminized is 95% indica. Its cultivation reflects these characteristics: resistance, compactness and rapidity. It is also enhanced by the hybrid vigor that the new genetic material from California Indica brings to the mixture. This variety can be cultivated in bright greenhouses or even outside with a warm and sunny climate to increase performance. The most powerful and resinous examples of Double Banana Kush are those in indoor cultivation, illuminated by the lights.

When they bloom, the original plants of Double Banana Kush can grow in height of 150% compared to their size before flowering. The clones, on the other hand, usually double their height of vegetation during the flowering phase.

Most Double Banana Kush phenotypes have less vigorous ramifications than Banana Kush. This happens especially when they bloom at low or medium size. The variety is ideal for Sea of Green methods (SOG), lollipopping and supercropping thanks to its fast blooming, compact height and good production on the main stem and on the upper branches. The phenotypes with strong lateral branching similar to the relative plants of Banana Kush also make well with the Screen of Green technique (ScrOG).

In flowering, the Double Banana Kush has a performance similar to Banana Kush, although with evident greater “race” among the knots in the last stages of flowering that lasts from seven to ten weeks. The blooming plants stop growing upwards at the beginning of the flowering phase, instead producing large groups of conical flowers that emerge at every knot and bract before expanding along the main stem and higher branches.

Some Double Banana Kush phenotypes initially produce small glasses, which have a magnificent smell in recent weeks, and significantly increase the volume and weight of their buds. Whether small or large, the density of the resin glands that cover the glasses of Double Banana Kush must be seen to believe.

Within the harvest period, the dark green foliage of this variety is covered by a thick layer of trichomes. This gives the plants a frosted appearance that can also seem iridescent thanks to the refractive properties of the light of the resin glands. White Label's mature Double Banana Kush tricomas often change color from light to golden, rather than amber.

The crops are usually generous, especially with the appropriate level of care and attention.

Effect, taste and smell of Double Banana Kush Feminized

Although it smells less during growth than its relative Banana Kush, the aroma of the dried Double Banana Kush is even more complex and makes the aquein come in the mouth. Strong aromas of banana and orange are the basis of this composition, with notes of blackberries, fruit of passion and also melon. There is also a strong feeling of dark chocolate coming from its progenitors indicates Afghani.

When consumed, Double Banana Kush from White Label can be the great variety to relax at home, both alone and with friends. The term “stes” is not accurate enough in this case, since it is not invalidating unless you exaggerate. It is a suitable variety to stay comfortable on the sofa, rather than being simply unable to stand up.

The Double Banana Kush has a joyful indica effect, which makes you reflect and particularly powerful, which improves food, music and conversation. It is the perfect variety for any activity that can take place while relaxing: watch a movie, listen to music, play, eat, read, possibilities are endless.