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Cobalt Haze Femminiz. - Sensi Seeds
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  • Cobalt Haze Femminiz. - Sensi Seeds

Cobalt Haze Femminiz. - Sensi Seeds

Tax included

Female variation

Hybrid Sativa /

Average flowering period

High plant

High yield

Sunny / Mediterranean

no: 1


Cobalt Haze Feminized is a hybrid indica / sativa that offers farmers “the best of the two worlds”. Previously called Sensi #11, the community Sensi Seeds has decreed its inclusion in our permanent permanent catalogue, renamed it with this new name. Its genetic pool contains world-renowned varieties, such as the Silver award-winning Haze, Blueberry and Afghani #1.

The sativa influence causes the specimens to grow at dizzying heights, while the descent indicates it is seen in generous harvests. The Cobalt Haze produces a pleasantly fruity and prosperous aroma in Mediterranean and sunny climates.

Cobalt Growth Model Haze Female

The seeds of Cobalt Haze Feminized were developed by Sensi Seeds. The variety has an impressive genetic pool, with progenitors such as the award-winning Silver Haze, the reliable indicates Afghani #1 and Blueberry, with a deliciously fruity taste. This balanced genetic is visible in the high size (from sativa ancestry) and in the abundance of crops (typical characteristics of indigenous varieties).

The feminized seeds allow to obtain plants with mostly female characteristics during flowering. This facilitates cultivation as it reduces the incidence of male specimens to be identified and removed. The average flowering time allows the cannabicoltore not to have to wait long until the harvest. However, it must be borne in mind that this variety, like many other sativa-dominant varieties, grows to reach a considerable size, especially when grown outdoors.

Thanks to the abundance of the harvest, in the flowering phase the growers can count on a large number of inflorescences,. If cultivated with due attention and in the correct environmental conditions, it will be relatively easy to maximize its yield without excessive effort.

Cobalt Haze grows more luxuriant in the Mediterranean countries and in any location characterized by a warm climate and a.

Effect, taste and aroma of Cobalt Haze Female

Cobalt Haze has an optimal sativa-indication balance, as it is evident from the euphoric effect that causes, as well as from the typical aroma and taste. According to consumers, relaxation is deep, even in the presence of a marked mental exaltation, typical of sativa genetics, often accompanied by an explosion of lucidity and creativity.

Blueberry influence is evident in the perfume and fruity taste, but it is also possible to detect citrus and skunk notes.

In short

Variety, previously known as Sensi#11, chosen and renamed with this new name by the community Sensi Seeds

Its genetic pool includes varieties such as Silver Haze, winner of the Cannabisbis Cup, Blueberry and Afghan #1

The specimens can grow up to dizzying heights – it is important to keep it present to protect the specimens from indiscreet looks

The high, edifying and relaxing, is the result of a proper balance between sativa genetics and indicates

Femaleized variety, it allows to obtain mostly female specimens during the growth and flowering phase