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Auto Duck - Dutch Passion
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  • Auto Duck - Dutch Passion

Auto Duck - Dutch Passion

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The Auto Duck is a very robust and easy to grow autoflowering it is suitable for outdoor cultivation with any type of climate, greenhouse or indoor.

Quantity seeds in the package: 1


The Auto Duck has a subtle, floral and fruity aroma with notes of mint, citrus and pine

Auto Duck is a special cannabis strain, blends with its very different-looking leaves than other normal cannabis varieties. It is a plant with a much less intense aroma, which assures you to be able to grow it quietly in your garden without your neighbors getting on. Obviously the flowers have the smell of cannabis, but it is usually much less pungent, penetrating and perceptible than other varieties.

The Auto Duck has a complex terpenic profile, generally described as terrous, floral and fruity. Its notes of citrus fruits, mint and pine make these plants very tasty when smoking or vaporizing. The most fruity and sweet notes emerge in all their flavor while smoking it. It has a balanced high of medium power that makes it perfect to smoke during the day or during a social event.

Auto Duck is a very robust cannabis strain - ideal for a first-arm grower

Auto Duck® is a variety of autoflowering mimetic cannabis, its leaves have an unusual shape, they are really difficult to identify as cannabis leaves. This is particularly true during the first half of the cultivation cycle, before the formation of flowers. The Auto Duck® has a stabilized and natural foliar mutation, in fact its leaves recall the imprint of a duck. It is the ideal variety for beginner growers, since it does not require any special knowledge or special diet plan to achieve good results. It grows almost independently and is easy to hide among other plants or shrubs in the garden or in a forest, it is a real urban guerrilla plant! It is suitable for all climate conditions and indoor cultivation.

Auto Duck is a hybrid autoflowering with compact structure and beautifully mimicled leaves

Auto Duck is a unique hybrid autoflowering strain with a compact structure that is easily confused in the environment. This autoflowering typically remains of small-medium size and is almost completely unrecognizable as cannabis during the vegetative phase. This plant is more like an ornamental plant than a cannabis plant. The natural camouflage of its leaves assures you that, for most of its life, it will not be noticed by unwanted visitors (or neighbors) not cannabis lovers. During the flowering phase, however, this variety produces the buds (its flowers) and the perfume becomes slightly stronger. But unlike many other cannabis varieties, it is a much more delicate perfume.

If you want to keep it really small and compact, we recommend you grow it in pot. It fits perfectly even in a garden or in the middle of a field of flowers. Thanks to its unique leaves and compact structure, the Auto Duck blends completely into the environment. You can easily pass them by and do not realize that it is a cannabis plant. In addition, the Auto Duck is very hard and durable. It is able to endure a rainy weather and the most hostile temperatures.

In general, this variety has a more open flower structure and with foxtails. This way they can pass more air and light, which significantly reduces the risk of rot and mold in the flowers. These autoflowering plants are so strong that they can tolerate even numerous consecutive cold days (0-5 degrees). Of course we don't recommend it, the warmer the better. But it proves that it is really a very robust autoflowering that manages to cope even where conditions are adverse. All these qualities make it very popular among outdoor growers in the colder regions and among the guerrilla-loving growers looking for a reliable outdoor autoflowering.

The genetics used for the Auto Duck guarantee the following properties:

A medium-sized compact autoflowering with a unique leaf structure

An unrecognizable-looking cannabis plant during the vegetative phase that emanates a slight scent during the flowering phase

This robust and reliable strain has a relatively fast flowering time, around 11-12 weeks and can be cultivated with any climatic condition.

The Auto Duck is suitable for both indoor and outdoor growers, also grows well in a greenhouse or in a tunnel greenhouse, especially in fresher climates.

The flowering time of the Auto Duck

Auto Duck produces medium-height plants. In optimal conditions they reach a height of almost 100 cm, but in most cases they remain between 50 and 75 cm. Indoor spends on average between 75 and 80 days to fully mature, while outdoor needs a little more time, say between 85 and 90 days.

The Auto Duck by Dutch Passion is an incredibly durable autoflowering. Thanks to its unique and stable parental genetics, it is a plant capable of facing even some batostas. It is even able to tolerate extreme cold for many days, but of course we do not recommend you to expose it voluntarily to these conditions. If you want to get the best from this genetics, give it a stable and warm climate. With enough lighting, the flowers become quite inflated and compact. When the light levels are slightly lower, they will remain a little softer. This structure, ultimately, ensures that the rot and mushrooms do not go to affect this truly unique autoflowering hybrid.
