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Amsterdam Amnesia - Dutch Passion
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  • Amsterdam Amnesia - Dutch Passion

Amsterdam Amnesia - Dutch Passion

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The original and the best Amnesia Haze of the world of course is a product of Amsterdam, could not be otherwise!

Quantity seeds in the package: 1


In a few years this sativa-dominated Dutch variety, with abundant yields and a very interesting flower-foil ratio, has conquered the world and turns out to be a great variety for various commercial growers both in the Netherlands and outside.

The collection of feminized seeds Dutch Passion would not be complete without the intramountable classic Amsterdam Amnesia Haze. With its powerful knockout effect, this sativa rich in THC that comes from the original genetics of Amnesia presents all the attributes of the best Haze never produced before.

Amsterdam Amnesia Haze feminized flowers indoors in about 9/10 weeks. This plant produces thin leaves typical of a sativa structure, which allow light to penetrate to the lowest levels and shows a strong resistance against spider mites. Once it's about to flourish, it's definitely extended, so make sure you have enough vertical space in the place where you decide to grow it.

Expect XXL harvests of flowers with citrus notes and even more compact buds than any other variety of sativa cannabis available today.