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Afghani 1 Reg. 10 Seeds - Sensi Seeds
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  • Afghani 1 Reg. 10 Seeds - Sensi Seeds

Afghani 1 Reg. 10 Seeds - Sensi Seeds

Tax included

Regular variation

Hybrid Sativa /

Average flowering period

Average height

High yield

Sunny / Mediterranean


The Afghani #1 Regular is the quintessence of the indica: robust, fast growing and rich dykes. There are enough small doses to obtain the maximum relaxing effect. Even beginners are safe with this variety of cannabis - although this should not discourage experienced growers, of course. Those seeking a resinous variety with a abundant yield will not be disappointed.

Cannabis indicates its name from India, but the best examples of these dark and ultra-resinous genotypes grow in the mountains of Afghanistan. Fans call these varieties Afghanica oplanta da hashish. As the name suggests, they are at the base of high quality hashish (Charas). Fortunately, there is no need to go around the world to have it now. Just order some Afghani #1 Regular cannabis seeds from Sensi Seeds.

Cultivation of Afghans #1 Regular

The best mother plants of our Afghan varieties have been synthesized in a single variety of seeds that each time provides the best examples of the genotype indicates. Growers looking for a fast growing indoor variety, with abundant yields and a formidable resin production, will love these seeds. Whether you want to get consistent crops from seeds or pure mother plants indicates for clones, the Afghani #1 Regular is the perfect solution!

You can expect robust, medium-sized plants, with strong branches and lush foliage. They need at least eight weeks to grow. The flowering phase lasts about seven to nine weeks. Growth is limited, as is typical of the indica. It is possible to expect the plants to double more or less their size.

When the buds and pistils covered with resin will gradually become white to orange, you will know that it is time to collect. The entire main stem of the plant will be transformed into a single resin-covered inflorescence. Smaller buds on the lower parts of the plant will increase the yield, so make sure to catch them.

You can expect large, compact and heavy buds that retain their weight even after drying. To further increase the performance you can try the Sea of Green method (SOG).

The Afghani #1 Regular is very easy to grow, but it is good to remember that this variety is destined for indoor cultivation. These plants will thrive outside only in a Mediterranean climate with long and warm summers.

Effect, flavour and smell of Afghani #1 Regular

Since the Afghani #1 has a long lasting effect, it is particularly suitable for a relaxing evening on the sofa. The narcotic relaxing effect is not to be underestimated. Beginners could find it soporiferous.

For other consumers, the combination of a deep sense of relaxation and mental well-being will be like a holiday. Make sure you have some snacks at your fingertips.

The traditional aroma of this variety, consisting of terrosis tones and light notes of fruit and pepper, brings back the cannabis consumers of the old school to the first experiences with hashish.